New Release

new release

✨Introducing the New Quest Pack : QUEST FOR GLORY
Hello Legends, How was your July? From the dazzling launch of Legendary cards to those special moments shared with you at our offline booth events, everything has become unforgettable memories. We're thrilled to have shared those moments with you and sincerely thank you for passion and love. Today, we're excited to announce a new quest pack to kick off August. Introducing the QUEST FOR GLORY pack! Unlike previous quest packs, this one is designed to make completing quests a bit easier. Curious
✨ NEW RELEASE: 23 Spring Playoffs, Final Pack Series
Hey there, Legends! We would like to provide you with the schedule and detailed composition of the upcoming 23 Spring Playoffs, Part 1 series to be released on July 7th, as well as the planned sale of Part 2 and the Final Pack. Starting from the Playoff series, there have been some changes in the pack composition. Are you curious about what changes have been made? Well then, let's start with some special news related to this and then move on to the detailed pack introduction. Special An
✨ NEW SALES: Starter Pack, PRM Pack, POG Tickets, 2023 Spring R1 Packs
Hey there, Legends! LCK LEGENDARIES beta service will begin on June 7th at 0:00 AM (UTC). We would like to introduce three major products available for sale at the launch (Starter Pack, PRM Pack, POG Tickets), as well as three 2023 LCK Spring R1 Packs that will be available for sale starting from June 12th. Please refer to the specific details for each product mentioned below for more information. KEEP IT LEGENDARY! Thank you. 1. Starter Pack This pack contains cards from Round 1 match
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